On FRIDAY THE ABC RELENTED TO ALLOW COVERAGE OF TASMANIA'S FIRST MATCH. ABC STATE GENERAL MANAGER,Rob Batten confirmed on Thursday night that the 3 hour telecast of Tasmania's VFL debut would begin at 12-30 pm Saturday. Mr Batten said"this is a one off" and confirmed the prior commitment to Netball and Hockey commencing on April 21. Football Tasmania chief,Peter Hodgman described the original decision as outrageous,and questioned the ABC spending more than $1 million covering the Statewide league and then drop football like a hot scone.
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Round 3 is to be telecast by AUSTAR C7 while WIN TELEVISION will telecast at least 2 of the matches maybe more. ABCTV VICTORIA will be telecasting live the inaugural match versus reigning VFL PREMIER SANDRINGHAM at 12-45 0n Saturday, unfortunately ABCTV TASMANIA will not have the match ,ABC Promotions and Publicity Manager, Kathy Gates said Tasmania's VFL games did not fit into the station's new Saturday afternoon sports format which begins on April 21 with netball,hockey and a "wrap-up" of local football.