around the State is organised by ABC radio to provide a happy Christmas for Tasmanian Children.
The Dec 4 to Dec 12 walk is from Burnie-Launceston-Hobart and has logistical support from the Australian Defence Forces
The Giving Tree Childrens' Choir performs at a number of locations in Southern Tasmania including:
as part of The Hobart Christmas Pageant on Sat Nov 23,followed by appearances at Centrepoint Shopping Centre and an afternoon tea cruise on the River Derwent then on the Sunday at Wesley Uniting Church, Melville St as part of the 150 Year Celebration of the Hobart City Mission
Other appearances follow,culminating in Grand Finale Concert on Sun Dec 22 at the Wrest Point Casino.
The ABC Shop gets behind the ABC Christmas Giving Tree with it's plan to produce a pack of 12 Christmas Cards in partnership with local artists,
Other Giving Trees are based at retail stores throughout Australia.
While in America there are similar initiatives,including in California where the Family Giving Tree in it's 13 years of operation
has provided gifts for 50,000 youngsters
The Salvation Army provides entertainment in the Christmas season in selected suburbs and is supported by KMART's Giving Tree,a host of performers get together to produce a Christmas CD which goes on sale at MYER Stores.
The Uniting Church Wishing Tree Appeal is in conjunction with Target.
Church and Welfare Services
Most of the Churches have Christmas Appeals
including the annual Christmas Bowl Appeal.
While The Smith Family,
The St Vincent De Paul,
City Mission ,
The Benevolent Society and
The Salvation Army will deliver hampers prior to Christmas
or organise special Christmas Day functions for the alone and the needy.
Other charities include the Mission of St James and St John
and the Brotherhood of St Laurence.
Carols By Candlelight
Carols by Candlelight functions are conducted in most centres around the country.
In Melbourne at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on Christmas Eve the
Royal Victoria Institute for the Blind benefits.
In Sydney
Australia's largest Christmas concert , Carols From The Domain assists the Salvation Army with an audience of over 100,000.
In Launceston, the City Park Carols By Candlelight boosts the Examiner Empty Stocking Fund with a gold coin donation at the gate.
Regular guest,cabaret star Deana Peher is always a crowd favourite with her act,especially when she involves the youngsters from the audience in her act.
Other Carols at Caloundra,in Queensland.
traditional carols, readings and prayers by candlelight in the courtyard, led by Churches Together in Barnes. Hot food and drinks, mulled wine and mince pies on offer . From 6.30pm, service starts at 7.30pm. No admission charge in aid of a wetlands region in London on December 17
In California on December 4 and 5, 2003 the California Center for the Arts, Escondido,at 8:00 PM supports childrens charities in San Diego
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The Examiner Empty Stocking Fund
The Examiner Empty Stocking Fund opened it's 94th annual appeal
on Monday November 17, 2003.
This appeal started by Launceston's daily newspaper back in 1908,
is Australia's oldest charity fundraiser.Over 3 million dollars has been raised
in it's history for the neediest in thev Launceston Community.
The 2003 Appeal was given a generous boost with an anonymous $5000
donation from an elderly Launceston woman.
The strength of the appeal is the many donations,from the citizens and
Many do not seek acknowledgement because of their humility,
which is the "Spirit of Christmas"
Collection tins are familiar sights on counters of hotels,clubs,newsagents ,
pharmacies and other businesses around the city.
Childrens Christmas Parties
Meanwhile Southern Cross Television hosts a Christmas Party
for Tasmania's Special Children which is willingly supported
by Tasmanian Businesses. Surviving Christmas
Get fit for Christmas and give your heart a seasonal present by eating wisely. Shop for Christmas with the Australian Heart Foundation,these heart walkers will show you the catalogue.  |