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Caring For and Defending The Animals
Protecting the Animals
is a most important cause
Celebrated , photographers and actors
often share a love of animals
and work to protect them and their habitats.
is pleased to raise the awareness levels
in the community of the threats
to the white tigers, from the impacts
of urban development ,loss of habitat
and relentless poaching.
The tigers are one of the world's
most endangered species.
The Tasmanian Devil is the World's largest,carnivorous marsupial

Actors for the Animals
Many movie stars take a passionate interest in animal rights and animal protection issues.
In Australia actress Lynda Stoner has been at the front of many protest actions.
While overseas actors like Brigitte Bardot have also spearheaded campaigns.
French actress Brigitte Bardot retired from making films but remained an animal rights campaigner.
In 1997 she pleaded with Australian Prime Minister,John Howard to stop Australia shipping live sheep to the Middle East.
She asked Mr Howard"Could you not transport the carcasses and therefore do away with 500 hours of suffering for these sheep."
She also wrote a strong letter to Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimotodenouncing what she called his country"s illegal capture of whales.
As a leading spokesperson for animal rights she started the "Foundation Brigitte Bardot" dedicated solely to that cause. Her work in that realm is, perhaps, far greater than any film she could have made.
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All is not well with the Devil,which is so popular as an icon on Australia's island state of Tasmania.,because it suffers from a mysterious illness,
Devil Facial Tumour Disease , (DFTD).
This disease if not properly researched and treated might cause the extinction
of the species.
Campaigns drawing on national and international expertise have been mounted to raise funds,involving Government and the
corporate sector .
The Tasmanian Government has funded it to 2007.
spearhead the campaign.
Wildcare Inc is a community volunteer organisation that contributes in excess of 250,00 hours of voluntary work each year on a range environmental projects around Tasmania,they have been assisted in their work with the Tasmanian Devil by a contribution from a local sales agent, "Cartledge Agency" who are most anxious to get involved.
Consumers can assist by purchasing the animal foods Wombaroo and Passwell.For every purchase of these products,5 cents is donated towards the special fund set up to aid the research and protection of the Tasmanian Devil.
and for general information