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Help from the market place Charity Focussed Credit Card Launched October 2003
St George Bank Ltd announced it's first charity card
at the beginning of October,
to be known as the Australian Spirit Master Card.
St George,Australia's , 5th largest bank promises to donate 0-4 percent of every dollar spent on the cartd - or 40 cents in every $100 - to a charity,school or community organisation,chosen by the customer.
MICROSOFT OFFERS SOFTWARE AND COMPUTERS TO AUSTRALIAN CHARITIES. Please read the advice offered on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation re Grant Inquiries to assist you with your application.An extract follows: The Foundation is only able to provide funding to a small percentage of qualified applicants. Although the size of the foundations endowment has grown significantly in recent years, these assets pale in comparison to the size of the challenges we aim to tackle. The foundation seeks to be strategic with its resources, favoring preventive approaches and collaborative endeavors with government, philanthropic and not-for-profit partners when possible. Grant making is guided by the principle that in order to achieve lasting, large-scale change, philanthropic efforts must incorporate strategies to encourage effective public investment and to leverage private sector market potential. Priority is given to investments that serve as a catalyst to quicken the pace of progress, and to efforts whose net effect is to augment, not supplant, government funding streams. |
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Charity tells Microsoft to 'get real' The embittered battle between Microsoft and PCs for Kids continues, with the charity outraged over the software giants so-called "gesture of good will". Microsoft has released a statement saying it will provide 150 packs of Windows 95 and 10 refurbished computers worth a total of AU$65,000 (U.S. $32,500) as a "gesture of goodwil;" to Australian charity organisations--the Rotary Club of Geelong and the Geelong YMCA. See link opposite for the full article.