Anthony Warlow is the Leukaemia Foundation's national
ambassador, following his own battle with lymphoma. He was diagnosed with the disease in 1992,
Anthony launched the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia in 1997,and appears in an educational video for the Foundation, entitled Understanding Leukaemia.
Australian singing sensation, Gina Jeffreys, voluteered to
spearhead the 2001 Leukaemia Quest across Australia. Gina visited Brisbane in June 2000 to feature in a television and radio community service announcement promoting the campaign. She also met with Leukaemia Survivors, Bianca Agelosanto and
Rebecca Sproule, who were both entrants in the 2000 Quest.
Swimming superstar, Samantha Riley, is patron of the
Leukaemia Foundation's Swim for a Cure fundraising program.
Her involvement with the Foundation started in 1995 when she
met a special little boy, nine-year old leukaemia patient, Corey Busteed, when he helped her launch the 1996 Leukaemia Quest.
Rugby Union legend, John Eales, has been a strong supporter of the Foundation for many years, and helped launch the 1998
Leukaemia Quest.
Car racing legend, Peter Brock, launched the Leukaemia Foundation of Victoria in September 1999. Through the Peter Brock Foundation,in association with the Bridgestone Tyre Centre Dealers of South Australia, two fully serviced and maintained Holden Commodores were made available to the Leukaemia Foundation of South Australia. These cars transport patients and their families to and
from their medical appointments in Adelaide. This patient transport program was also launched in Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales in June 2000.
Rhonda Burchmore gave a wonderful performance at the
Leukaemia Foundation of Victoria's first Lunch for Leukaemia in October 1999. A Leuk bear signed by Rhonda at a Lunch for Leukaemia sold for close to $500.
Rugby league sensation, Adrian Lam, became a supporter of the Leukaemia Foundation when he visited leukaemia patient,
Ismael Paska, at ESA Village accommodation centre in Brisbane in March 2000.
The 1996 Leukaemia Doorknock Appeal was launched by actor, GrantBowler, at ESA Village accommodation centre, during the days when he played Dr Arch Craven in the television series, Medivac.His clean-shaven head provided the perfect
platform to launch the Leukaemia Foundation's Shave for a Cure fundraising campaign and promotional materials later, in 1998.
Susie Maroney helped to launch the Leukaemia Foundation of New South Wales in 1998 with leukaemia patient, Katie Barton. She also helped to launch the Swim for a Cure
fundraising campaign in Queensland with Olympic swimmer, Sam
Riley, in 1999.
World champion triathlete, Brad Beven, was deeply moved when
he visited Renee Duncome, 10, at the Royal Children's Hospital in Brisbane. He provided additional inspiration by keeping in contact with her via telephone and email. She had always dreamed of becoming a professional triathlete but lost her battle with leukaemia in January 1999. Her sister, Carley, was the third highest fundraiser in the 1999 Leukaemia QuestMore on Carley will be placed on CHILDREN OF THE CENTURY,STARPOWER's sister site
Information for this article came from the leukaemia Foundation website read full details at
Click through to the Leukaemia Foundation from TOP CAUSES.
Ronnie and Maggie Burns recent arrivals to Tasmania are preparing to open a home for victims of domestic violence and eventually child refugees all over the world. The couple have established the Appin Hall Children's Foundation and plan to organise a huge concert at Deloraine with Australia's top pop and rock personalities to raise funds for the foundation and a local charity. Tasmanians wishing to support the project are urged to drop household goods at The Quadrant Mall Car Park in Launceston or 164 Tarleton Street,East Devonport between 9 am and 1 pm on June 17. More details on plans for Appin Hall click this link.  Do you know of any celebrities that ought to be acknowledged here then please email details to: |
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ROBERT REDFORD SAVE THE ARCTIC A Message from Robert Redford to BioGems Defenders I wanted to pass along to you the following message describing my feelings about President Bush's plan to drill the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and the urgent need for us to fight back. I know you've visited the website and, most likely, already taken action on behalf of our priceless Arctic wilderness -- and I thank you. Now, please do me the great favor of forwarding my message to everyone you know -- your friends, family, co-workers, discussion groups -- encouraging them to join us in this critical battle. Sincerely yours, Robert Redford ===== Dear Friend, I've never circulated this kind of email before. But I am so appalled by President Bush's plan to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to massive oil development that I feel I must do whatever I can to help stop it. To me, the Arctic Refuge represents everything spectacular and everything endangered about America's natural heritage: a million years of ecological serenity . . . vast expanses of untouched wilderness . . . an irreplaceable sanctuary for polar bears, white wolves and 130,000 caribou that return here each year to give birth and rear their young. For 20,000 years -- literally hundreds of generations -- the native Gwich'in people have inhabited this sacred place, following the caribou herd and leaving the awe-inspiring landscape just as they found it. Our own presidents going back to Eisenhower have kept a bipartisan promise to safeguard this world-class natural treasure. But not THIS president. It is a sad day indeed when our president and congressional leaders would sacrifice America's largest wildlife refuge for the sake of a possible six-month supply of national energy. A six-month supply! We could save that little oil by improving the fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks by a mere one mile per gallon. Only one group of Americans will benefit from the destruction of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge: the oil giants. Everyone else loses. Arctic wildlife populations will decline, the Gwich'in people will see their land marred by pipelines and poisoned by oil spills, you and I will become even more dependent on oil, and the planet will suffer catastrophic global warming from the burning of even more fossil fuel. Unless we get millions of Americans to lodge a protest right now, this nightmarish scenario may well come to pass in the next two months. The Republican energy bill, which would fulfill the president's promise to drill the Arctic Refuge, is moving through Congress today. House and Senate leaders may also try to sneak through the Arctic drilling provision by attaching it to a "must-pass" appropriations bill. These votes will be decided by the moderates in both parties. We must reach those moderates and hold them accountable. Here's what you can do: go to The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has set up this new website to make it extremely easy for you to send messages of protest to your senators and represenative. It will take you only a minute. I've been on NRDC's board for 25 years, so I know how effective they are at waging and winning environmental campaigns. Last year, NRDC used web activism to help generate a million messages of protest to Mitsubishi and stopped the company from destroying the last unspoiled birthing ground of the Pacific gray whale. We'll win this time too if each of us does our part for the Arctic Refuge. Please visit right now. And forward my message to your family, friends and colleagues. Congress cannot ignore millions of us. If we let them plunder our greatest wildlife refuge for the sake of oil company profits, then no piece of our natural heritage is safe from destruction. Please go to and help keep the Arctic wild and free. Sincerely yours, Robert Redford 
Australian actor,Benjie McNair,(Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours)is a staunch conservationist,living in the Dandenongs. He believes Australian forests need protection from woodchipping. In the nineties Benjie was anxious to make people aware of the destruction of our forests. His philosophy is that you should look after the environment because it looks after you. Benjie says people must get involved with letting the government know they are unhappy about the decimation of our forests. Benjie supports The Wilderness Society and urges others to get in touch with The Wilderness Society in their area.