Launceston has many energetic young people like Loretta involved in issues that matter. Let's hope The Launceston City Council will take notice of the email sent to them on December 30 2001 with a request for them to contact Loretta so that she might apply for help from Council's Community Assistance Grants. The Supporting Janie Yahoo group was also canvassed for their suggestions.
UPDATE # 1 From the initial story in the Examiner,Loretta has received support from a number of community sources,including Alderman Janie Dickenson and a local mobile disco operator who has offered to organise a benefit night. The first under age rage to support the sexual assault support service will be on Friday,Feb 1 at the Evandale Community Hall 7pm -midnight doors close at 9pm sharp cost $6-00 with $1-00 going to the sexual assault support service.
Loretta is trying to organise sponsorship and support for this event, for which planning is only in its infancy. She said that sexual assault support service Laurel House supported her idea. Loretta said that in order for the event to go ahead she would need help with a venue, security and lighting. Anyone interested in helping can contact Loretta by e-mail at .
To read and take further action on rape and violence check out these pages from the National Organisation For Women's web site. |  |

UPDATE # 2 Loretta wrote recently to update on how it is all going. Since the original newspaper article people have been emailing wanting to help! One email was from 19 year old Andrew Mansfield saying he was going to do something similar but couldn't as his friend moved to America. Loretta saw this as a good opportunity so they met up and things went from there. One rage held already at the CBD night club was a success with 311 teenagers attending . The rage is to be every second Thursday with the name "IMPULSE UNDER-AGE DANCE PARTIES". Loretta said "we named it Impulse because the meaning of the word impulse is to just go out and do something so it fitted really well!" Loretta would like to thank her SPONSORS " Andrew and I couldn't of done it without!! the support of our sponsors who included : Mobile Discos for donating $1 out of every $6 they earn from their under-age rage, 7LA who provided advertising and donated a box of CD singles, WILLS Music for donating $50 worth of gift vouchers, Examiner for their advertising support which brought it to everyones attention in the beginning, Taxi Combined for donating $150, Quick Silver who did all their photo copying, (which was a lot)" Loretta and Andrew also appreciate the support of their family, friends, complete strangers, the parents ,the teenagers and the Supporting Janie group! Meanwhile another rage to support the Sexual Assault Support Service is on Friday night,(February 1) at Evandale. See the article on the left for further details.
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