November 19 2001 Small Wheeled Vehicles Deputation Prior to a vote on the issue of no go zones. NOV 6 2001 Total Workforce Relocation CLOSED CATARACT GORGE FIRST BASIN MASTER PLAN ADOPTED Surplus Land to be sold at OGILVIE PARK. COUNCIL FUNDING REALLOCATED from KATE REED DAM to Launceston Golf Club Dam rehabilitation andthe associated section of the Kings Meadows Rivulet CLOSED NEWSTEAD & ROCHERLEA DEPOTS to be sold. 2 part water pricing review committee discussed and officer appointed as secretary. Capital Budget Reallocation. OCT 22 2001 DEPUTATION BUSINESS NORTH TAMAR VALLEY FESTIVAL PETITION FOR FULL KERBSIDE RECYCLING PRESENTED ITEM LATER IN AGENDA TO DETERMINE PUBLIC MEETING DETAILS FAMILY PLANNING WELFARE ASS'N 269 Wellington Street request for refund of fees refused Theatre North to seek C'wealth Funds to renovate theatre and purchase adjacent property. QVMAG revenue opportunities - admission fees Alderman Dickenson moved,Alderman Brookes seconded to defer to strategic policy meeting defeated Alderman Beams moved,Alderman Waddle seconded to adopt recommendation with amendments. York Park & Inveresk Precinct authority formed. Aldermen Beams'notice of motion -peripheral sales Additional York Park Seating CLOSED Consumption of liquor item deferred to allow a deputation to attend. OCTOBER 8 2001 T. Seymour asked from the public gallery questions on Mall Dining and additional funding sources for monkey enclosure. DEPUTATION : Andrew Lynch re proposed drainage of St Leonards Rd - item later for decision. The Lounge renovations approved Tas Wood Design Collection bldg request to amend plans approved. Signage Guidelines - Alderman Dickenson spoke to her notice of motion that a working party be established DEFEATED The Council Pound changes CLOSED Penny Royal Car Park to be sold CLOSED Telstra Call Centre Norwood rate incentive CLOSED Mall Walk on Art legal action CLOSED Constitutional recognition of Local Government petition Alderman Beams reported on Saving Energy Conference Alderman Dickenson reported on C'wealth Local Government Forum.
SEPT 24 2001 DEPUTATION:Northern Safer Communities Signage on Paterson St Office of Mercury St Leonards Rd subdivision 219-221 Charles St multiple dwelling 2 Bridge Rd Swimming Centre Fees 56 Cimitiere St signage CLOSED Theatre North lease CLOSED Coats Patons 31 -51 Thistle St preadvertising noted 5a Caswell Street bought for public open space CLOSED OLD LAUNCESTON SEAPORT CLOSED 2 part water pricing review committeeestablished reintroduction of Divisional Question Time defeated |  |
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SEPT 10 2001 Mr J Dickenson,Mr J Green,Mr L Morrell asked question from the public gallery re Cimitiere St Car Park Petition from 37 members of the Rocherlea Residents Action Project re inadequate street and park lights. CITY PARK MONKEYS CLOSED On Notice of motion Tamar Rowing club Flood Levee protection On Notice of motion from Alderman Dickenson amendments to deputation policy defeated. 107,109,111 Margaret St to be sold CLOSED NTMO Joint authority to be formed. AUG 27 2001 From the public gallery Mr J Dickenson asked about the Night in The Gorge cancellation. DEPUTATION # 1 PROSPECT HIGH SCHOOL student leaders conference DEPUTATION # 2 CITY PROM Ltd Brand Marketting The Acting Mayor referred to the announcement by the Premier of an additional AFL game (Hawthorn) at York Park in each of the next 3 years. The Vietnam Veterans Ass'n plaque displayed,and a request was received from Alderman Dickenson to bring forward the item on taping Council Meetings. Moved Ald Dickenson,seconded Ald Walters defeated Old Tyler House rezonings included special presentations by residents Ann Roby,Robert Colson,John Butler and for the developer,Alex Brownlie and Graeme Ryland. Fees for impounded dogs Nickelodeon Event Sept 23 2001 L'ton Municipal Emergency Management Plan and Flood Evacuation Sub-plan Tasicomm/Business North community telco not supported Motion on notice from Ald Beams re refusal to give information claim by Alderman Dickenson withdrawn. 2002 meeting schedule Local Government Board Review brought forward a year on a motion put by Ald Dickenson,seconded Ald Walters Notice of motion re deputation policy submitted by Ald Dickenson. Ald Smart reported on the LGAT General Committee Ald Beams reported on interstate trip,where he investigated periphery sales in Coffs Harbour,community grants and wine route signage.
AUG 13 2001 Terence Seymour asked from the public gallery re membership of the Tender Review Committee and if the Lions Club grant for the City Park carols would mean the clean up would be more efficient with recycling facilities available. There were 19 community grant requests,5 deferrals to the next round of funding,1 withdrawal and 5 rejections. The Harvey Norman/Transit Centre was an item of CLOSED BUSINESS. The Mayor reported that the night match,Friday August 10 was a great success. Ald Waddle reported that the Ikeda City had thanked the city for it's condolences and paper cranes. Ald Smart reported that $ 2.9 million had been allocated to the River edge Project. |