Youth Consultation Great News in Tasmania with the formation of a Childrens Charter to give young Tasmanians a voice in Local or State Government. Just because a person is under 18 and therefore not on the electoral roll, does not mean they have do not have an opinion or an interest in their community. I shall work for a proper consultation with Launceston youth on issues,whether they be a "traditional" youth concern or a general one. Who is to say what is a youth issue,or indeed a women's issue? Are youth only concerned about skateboards and school,while women are only concerned about baby changing facilities? Of course not,that would be the same as suggesting that men are only concerned about the price of beer ,cars or football. Community issues are just that issues of concern to a population. Youth Representative at the table A mechanism should be developed which would enable Launceston Youth to be sitting at the Council Table and voting on all issues as equals with the other Aldermen. At times some issues are complex which the older Aldermen have difficulty understanding, Youth have the capacity to grasp the implications of voting for a particular recommendation in the same way as the other Aldermen if they are given the same briefings on the item. This Youth Representative would not be a token position on Council their role would be as a fully functioning member of Council. How to elect the Youth Representative: Having made the commitment to create a Youth position,advice would be obtained from the Electoral Office. Options to be considered: (a)The formation of a special Youth Electoral Roll,so that Youth could elect one of their own. (b)A separate ballot to be held simultaneously with the ballot for councillors,mayor and deputy mayor, All electors of the municipality would be given the opportunity to vote for the Youth Representative or Representatives. The number of Aldermen would increase to include the Youth Representative or Representatives. Once this innovative plan to include Youth in Local Government is in place and proved to be effective,I shall make recommendations to the Tasmanian and Federal Governments to include similar opportunities for Youth.
 It is pleasing to learn of the Northern Midlands Council consultation voters on possible sites for a skateboard park. 2 local children have joined a subcommittee of the Northern Midlands Council to work through solutions to the lack of skating facilities in the Northern Midlands. The youngsters aged 10 recently wrote to the council because it is difficult to get to Launceston to go and skate. This sort of consultation is what Launceston City Council does not undertake,if elected I certainly will be pushing for reforms in this area. Foundation for Young Australians YSPACE: International Youth & Public Space Network People (especially young people) are invited to visit and give their opinions, comments questions regarding public space issues facing young people. Currently there is a forum relating to police Move On Powers. Youth are free to respond to any entries, make their own contribution, or just leave a small note, whatever they feel comfortable with. There is also information on the introduction of confiscation laws in the Maroochy Shire as of Thursday 1st Feb 2001. These laws relate to the confiscation of bicycles, scooters and skateboards. For more information or to have your say about the validity of such laws, visit ABC LINK UP See following article for details of this link Communiqué from the New National Youth Peak Organisation On May 4th & 5th 2001, all the State youth peak bodies from across the country,as well as major national youth organisations met in Melbourne to discuss the establishment of a new national youth affairs peak body. The two-day meeting was very successful as it set in train the development of a new national peak body for youth affairs. Since the defunding of the Australian Youth Policy & Action Coalition (AYPAC) in 1998, and despite a lack of resources,the youth affairs sector has maintained strong networks in order to keep youth affairs on the national agenda. The new national peak body will be made up of a broad-based membership of community sector organisations who work with and for the interests of young people. As a group we are committed to establishing a strong representative voice at national level for all young people. We invite all people interested in the issues that affect young people's lives to become members of the new peak body, to ensure that young people have the opportunity to have their voices heard. We call upon the Federal Government to recognise the value of an organised representative voice and fund this organisation in line with their commitment to govern for all Australians. The group will be meeting again in August 2001 to formally establish the new peak body. CONTACT : Bernice Smith, Phone (07) 3844 7713 (member of the National Youth Affairs Network) Alan Wu.a 17-year old, living in Brisbane recently reported on his latest project: For the past year, Alan been working with the ABC as part of their Link Up project ( Spinning off from LINKUP is an organisation called Wellspring, which aims to produce educational internet-based projects to foster a culture of participative democracy among young Australians. The Wellspring concept is currently looking for other young Australians outside of the Link Up team to get involved. Information on Wellspring and a request and application form to join the project Applications close February 23rd. Wellspring is looking for 5 enthusiastic young Australian volunteers aged 14-20 to be part of the Wellspring Development Committee will work in consultation with Wellspring's Adult Advisory Board, to help build the infrastructure and develop the direction of Wellspring, leading up to its launch in early April, 2001. Specifically, the Development Committee will be required to: * develop a legal and financial structure * develop a website and informational material * secure sponsorship * secure media attention and involve youth communities * research, develop and launch Wellspring's first initiative, dealing with ethical consumerism A broad range of young people interested in producing internet-based educational projects are being sought.