ANIMAL RIGHTS UPDATE On January 29, 2000, IDA learned that Stephens, Inc.was the secret U.S.investor that saved Huntingdon Life Sciences from being closed by extending them a $33 million loan. Stephens, Inc. was already HLS's largest shareholder with 45.6 million shares. PROTEST ACTION IS BEING RECOMMENDED AGAINST THIS COMPANY, THOUGH BE CAREFUL AS TO THE MANNER OF PROTEST,SOME FORMS OF PROTESTS MAY BE A NUISANCE AND EVEN ILLEGAL. URGENT, MORE ANIMAL TEST LABS TO BE BUILT. Dear Friend , MEDICAL "scientists" are planning their biggest challenge to the animal rights movement by announcing the construction of three new vivisection facilities in which experiments will be conducted on hundreds of thousands of animals. (see the news report at the end of this report). Please continue to write to UK Prime Minister. This time, let's also send to some of the UK Health and Environmental Executives .(the list is enclosed below.) Sample letter to both of them : (Note: you may write your own style of letter ) Dear Prime Minister, We are very outraged to know that UK government is funding for more Research labs to be built to torture and kill millions more of animals. The Babraham Institute in Cambridge and the Mouse Genome Centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire, both government funded, want to build state-of-the-art facilities to create mutated mice and rats for research. The third, in Cambridge, will house primates for brain and behaviour research. The current figure of 2.7m animal experiments a year is expected to double if all three new biotechnology labs are built. We strongly urge you PLEASE STOP FUNDING FOR CRUEL & USELESS ANIMAL TESTS IN ALL OLD AND NEW RESEARCH LABS : The Benchmarks in medical history have relied on the following NEW NON-ANIMAL BASED methodologies, as will future developments : IN VITRO research or TEST TUBE research on LIVING TISSUE. EPIDEMIOLOGY . BACTERIA, VIRUSES, AND FUNGI reveal basic cell properties. AUTOPSY and CADAVERS . PHYSICAL MODELS . GENETIC RESEARCH . CLINICAL RESEARCH . POST - MARKETING DRUG SURVEILLANCE (PMDS). MATHEMATICAL and COMPUTER MODELING . All these Modern technology is largely responsible for the high standard of care we receive today. SPECIALIZATION also saves countless lives. The National Cancer Institute in the United States also undertook a TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR screening program, testing 40,000 plant species on animals for anti-tumor activity. Out of this very expensive research many positive results surfaced in animal models, but not a single anti-tumor drug emerged for humans. As a consequence,the NCI now uses human cancer cells for cytotoxic screening. As Dr. Richard Klausner, the director of the National Cancer Institute in the United States itself said : "The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the mouse...We have cured mice of cancer for decades--and it simply didn't work in humans. " (please see the important References below # 1,2,3,4 ). The Environmental Protection Agency in the United States recently is also sponsoring major research on ALTERNATIVES test methods for toxicity to replace "animal testing". PLEASE, instead of funding for cruel, bloody and useless animal research labs , please move the fund for all of the above most important newest NON-ANIMAL medical research techniques. The following websites can be important references for you why Animals Reseach test is useless and a complete waste of precious public money . We would be very grateful to you for your compassion, wisdom and help. Sincerely Yours, your name. (Address or email address.) P.S. Important References on Animal research issue: 1: http://www.curedisease.com/FAQ.html Americans for Medical Advancement. 2: http://www.curedisease.com Americans for Medical Advancement. 3: http://www.pcrm.org Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine. 4: http://www.mrmcmed.org/ Medical Research Modernization Committee. 5: B: http://www.xenodiaries.org/ http://www.uncaged.co.uk 6: A : http://www.bankofnykills.com http://www.shac.net 7 : PETA , FACTSHEET, "Lethal Dose Tests: Unlimited Lunacy". http://www.peta-online.org/cmp/exp.html ### (end of the letter ) CONTACT INFO: 1 : Prime Minister Tony Blair : Tel: 020 7270 3000 (@@@ Please CALL if you can.) Address: (please send Express mail if you can). Rt Hon Tony Blair MP, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA UK Website: http://www.number-10.gov.uk The following email addresses are NOT Prime Minister email addresses in case if you can not send a letter or call. please address to Prime Minister Tony Blair to make it clear. He may or may not get your letter : webmaster@pmo.gov.uk (pmo.gov.uk ) and also send to: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk (homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk) 2: The following are some of the U.K. Environmental and Health Executives Email addresses : Please COPY the following entire list and then simply pointing your mouse to the BCC field to make a click. Then go to top bar to click Edit and click PASTE. All of addresses will then list in the BCC field. Then type any of your addresses in the TO field,Then start to type the letter. Note: it must have a comma between two addresses. We already provided it for you. (It is very important to know how to COPY and how to PASTE.If you don't know how to do Copy and Paste , please just askany of your friends or email to us. We have detailed instructions.) Please address to: Dear Honorable Executive, All of the following addresses are ended with @detr.gov.uk , acbe@detr.gov.uk, air_quality@detr.gov.uk, best_practice@detr.gov.uk, biodiversity@detr.gov.uk, biotech@detr.gov.uk, bss_directive@detr.gov.uk, ca@detr.gov.uk, cee@detr.gov.uk, chemicals_forum@detr.gov.uk, chp@detr.gov.uk, chp@detr.gov.uk, class7@detr.gov.uk, consumer_products@detr.gov.uk, control_pollution@detr.gov.uk, csd@detr.gov.uk, cvtf@detr.gov.uk, darwin@detr.gov.uk, dhmail@doh.gsi.gov.uk, dhmail@doh.gsi.gov.uk, discharge_strategy@detr.gov.uk, draftwaterbill_consultation@detr.gov.uk, dwaterconsult@detr.gov.uk, dwidoc_controller@detr.gov.uk, ea_fmpr@detr.gov.uk, eec@detr.gov.uk, eec@detr.gov.uk, energy@detr.gov.uk, energy@detr.gov.uk, enpsd@detr.gov.uk, env_crime@detr.gov.uk, envbusiness@detr.gov.uk, epe4@detr.gov.uk, epintdiv@detr.gov.uk, eprg@detr.gov.uk, eromail@doh.gsi.gov.uk, forests@detr.gov.uk, fuel_poverty@detr.gov.uk, fuel_poverty@detr.gov.uk, g8@detr.gov.uk, ga5@detr.gov.uk, heca@detr.gov.uk, iff@detr.gov.uk, iwb@detr.gov.uk, landfilldirective_consultation@detr.gov.uk, landquality_enquiries@detr.gov.uk, levy_agreements@detr.gov.uk, local_qolc@detr.gov.uk, nhs-executive-london@doh.gov.uk, nhse_wm_mail@doh.gsi.gov.uk, noise@detr.gov.uk, oecd@detr.gov.uk, oilconsultation@detr.gov.uk, pack@detr.gov.uk, qolc@detr.gov.uk, radwaste_consultation@detr.gov.uk, ramroad@detr.gov.uk, rimnet_enquiries@detr.gov.uk, rmtd@detr.gov.uk, sd-alert@detr.gov.uk, sd_commission@detr.gov.uk, sdudiv@detr.gov.uk, sssis@detr.gov.uk, statutory_guidance@detr.gov.uk, swro_mb@doh.gsi.gov.uk, tande@detr.gov.uk, test_guidelines@detr.gov.uk, ukround_table@detr.gov.uk, unep@detr.gov.uk, valuation_suggestions@detr.gov.uk, waste_policy@detr.gov.uk, waste_strategy@detr.gov.uk, water_competition@detr.gov.uk, wrap@detr.gov.uk , Thanks. Humanity. TODAY'S NEWS REPORT : MORE ANIMAL TEST LABS TO BE BUILT. Research in progress: the current figure of 2.7m animal experiments a year is expected to double if all three new biotechnology labs are built. More animal test labs to be built Jonathan Leake, Science Editor MEDICAL scientists are planning their biggest challenge to the animal rights movement by announcing the construction of three new vivisection facilities in which experiments will be conducted on hundreds of thousands of animals. The Babraham Institute in Cambridge and the Mouse Genome Centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire, both government funded, want to build state-of-the-art facilities to create mutated mice and rats for research. The third, in Cambridge, will house primates for brain and behaviourresearch. (See complete story , please click : http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/ Then click "More Animal Test Labs To Be Built. ".)
Question: Can you tell us how you first became interested in animal activism? CJ: When my company started to do really well, I decided I'd like to give something back to the community. I'd always had a passion for animals and had been involved in animal rights movements in college, so it was my first thought to return to animal right issues once I'd "made it," so to speak. |
ANIMAL PROTECTION NEWS URGENT, STOP BUILDING BIGGEST PRIMATE BREEDING FACILITY. Douglas Industries Inc., a division of Schering-Plough, reportedly hopes to make Hendry County, Florida, home to the nation's largest primate breeding and contract research facility. According to our sources, the facility would imprison between 4,000 and 5,000 macaques imported from Indonesia. Instead of increasing the number of animals used to test its products, Schering-Plough should take a leadership role in promoting the much-touted "3 R's" of the research industry-refining, reducing, and replacing the use of animals in research. To make matters worse, Schering-Plough hopes to build its primate concentration camp in an environmentally sensitive region. Hendry County is just north of : Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation, Miccosukee Indian Reservation, Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, Audubon Society Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, and the Big Cypress National Preserve. Introducing thousands of primates in need of natural resources (e.g. water, some means of waste disposal, etc.) into such an area is asking for trouble. Please let the following officials know that you are opposed to using animals as test tubes and are concerned about the impact such a facility will have on the natural environment. Contact information and 3 Sample Letters to different important people appear below. Dear ...... , I was very concerned to learn that Douglas Industries Inc., a division of Schering-Plough, reportedly hopes to make Hendry County, Florida, home to the nation's largest primate breeding an contract research facility. It is my understanding that the facility would imprison between 4,000 and 5,000 macaques imported from Indonesia. Schering-Plough should be working towards eliminating, not increasing, the number of animals used to test products. Animal research does not work because every species of animal is different biomechanically and biochemically. Non-human animals are different not only from humans, but also from each other anatomically,physiologically, immunologically, genetically and histologically. Animal research not only hurts and kills animals, it kills humans too. For example, the drugs thalidomide, Zomax, and DES were all tested on animals and judged safe but had devastating consequences for the humans who used them. A General Accounting Office report,released in May 1990, found that more than half of the prescription drugs tested on animals and approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 1976 and 1985 caused side effects that were serious enough to cause the drugs to be withdrawn from the market or relabelled. Many noted physicians have spoken against vivisection. Dr. Albert Sabin, who developed the oral polio vaccine, testified at a congressional hearing: "paralytic polio could be dealt with only by preventing the irreversible destruction of the large number of motor nerve cells, and the work on prevention was delayed by an erroneous conception of the nature of the human disease based on misleading experimental models of the disease in monkeys" Stoller, Kenneth, M.D., "Animal Testing: Why a Doctor Opposes It," The Orlando Sentinel, June 25, 1990.). The National Cancer Institute in the United States also undertook a TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR screening program, testing 40,000 plant species on animals for anti-tumor activity. Out of this very expensive research many positive results surfaced in animal models, but not a single anti-tumor drug emerged for humans. As a consequence,the NCI now uses human cancer cells for cytotoxic screening. Dr. Charles Mayo, founder of the Mayo Clinic, stated, " I abhor vivisection. It should at least be curbed. Better, it should be abolished. I know of no achievement through vivisection,no scientific discovery, that could not have been obtained without such barbarism and cruelty. The whole thing is evil" (Quoted by William H. Hendrix, New York Daily News, Mar. 13, 1961). There are sophisticated non-animal research methods that are accurate, more cost-effective, and less time-consuming than animal research. Such non-animal research methods include: IN VITRO research or TEST TUBE research on living tissue. EPIDEMIOLOGY (comparative studies from human population) . BACTERIA, VIRUSES, AND FUNGI reveal basic cell properties. AUTOPSY and CADAVERS . PHYSICAL MODELS . GENETIC RESEARCH . CLINICAL RESEARCH . POST - MARKETING DRUG SURVEILLANCE (PMDS). SAFETY TESTS USING HUMAN CELLS. MEDICAL APPLICATIONS. MATHEMATICAL and COMPUTER MODELLING . All these Modern technology is largely responsible for the high standard of care we receive today. SPECIALIZATION also saves countless lives. to name just a few . These methods have contributed to many advancements in medicine by providing important information about smoking and cancer,cholesterol and heart disease, high-fat diets and common cancers,chemical exposures and birth defects, the mechanism of transmission of AIDS, abnormalities in the brains of victims of Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and autism. The AIDS virus was isolated in human serum, and in vitro methods are providing new insights into the virus' effect on human cells. Vivisection is morally reprehensible - non-human animals are NOT research tools. They are individuals capable of experiencing not only crude emotions like fear, but far more subtle and complex emotions such as love, grief, pride, shame, joy, and loneliness. The cognitive psychologist, Bernard Baars stated, "The basic facts have come home at last. We are not the only conscious creatures on earth." Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection proved that human beings are in fact animals and,as such, they evolve according to the same evolutionary dynamics as non-human animals. Therefore, we humans have moral obligation to treat animals with respect and dignity. We strongly request Schering-Plough to take a leadership role in promoting the much-touted "3 R's" of the research industry- REFINING , REDUCING, and REPLACING the use of animals in research. Please do NOT let a primate breeding and contract research facility to be built in Florida. Sincerely, P.S.: Enclosed some important references : 1: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine(PCRM) : Chimpanzees Test Results That Don't Apply to Humans http://www.pcrm.org/issues/Animal_Experimentation_Issues/chimps.html http://www.pcrm.org 2: Medical Research Modernization Committee. http://www.mrmcmed.org/ 3: Americans for Medical Advancement. http://www.curedisease.com http://www.curedisease.com/FAQ.html 4: "Lethal Dose Tests: Unlimited Lunacy". http://www.peta-online.org/cmp/exp.html CONTACT INFORMATION : 1: CONTACT the President of Schering-Plough : Call or Fax. You may send a free fax thru : (or send a free fax thru: http://www.free2fax.com ) Address to : Dear Mr. Cesan, Mr. Raul E. Cesan, President & COO Schering-Plough 1 Giralda Farms Madison, NJ 07940-1010 USA Tel.: 973-822-7000 Fax: 973-822-7048 (in USA ) --------------------------------------- 2: CONTACT : Governor Bush in Florida : PLEASE FAX TO GOVERNOR's OFFICE THE BEST : Please address to : Dear Honorable Governor Bush, Ingrid.King@dep.state.fl.us , (@dep.state.fl.us ) health@doh.state.fl.us , (@doh.state.fl.us ) ahca@fdhc.state.fl.us , (@fdhc.state.fl.us ) DBPR.General@dbpr.state.fl.us , (@dbpr.state.fl.us ) The Honorable John Ellis "Jeb" Bush Office of the Governor, PL 05 The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 USA Tel.: 850-488-4441 Fax: 850-487-0801 (in USA ) E-Mail: fl_governor@myflorida.com (@myflorida.com) 3: CONTACT All of Hendry County Commissioners : Please address to : Dear Honorable Commissioner , or : Dear Commissioner, ALL addresses end with : @hendryfla.net jbtaylor@hendryfla.net, drharris@hendryfla.net, wtmaddoxjr@hendryfla.net, commissioner@hendryfla.net, commissioner@hendryfla.net, (Reference Source : http://www.pcrm.org http://www.peta-online.org http://www.meatstinks.com )