SURVIVORS EXPLOITATION Just received from webmaster@theanimalspirit.com http://www.theanimalspirit.com First it was rats being killed on the CBS Survivor show, Then PETA'S singing cow ad caused a panic at the highest level at CBS headquarters. CBS refused PETA's beautiful Singing Cow 's ads during the Super Ball due to CBS' Survivor. This year the show has bloodily murdered a cow for entertainment.This year's SURVIVOR takes place on a cattle station in the Australian outback. The SURVIVORS slaughter and eat a cow. It was told the uncut scenes were gross and disgusting. The survivors eat the liver. They eat the tongue. They eat every part of the animal, including the udder. Now, again, CBS Survivors killed a pig live , the producers of "Survivor" said that they did indeed slaughter a pig, but since it is prime time, they cannot show the entire killing. Please advise CBS : That you are DEPRESSED AND OUTRAGED at CBS SURVIVORS CRUELTY TO ANIMALS time after time. Ask them to NOT TORTURE AND KILL HELPLESS AND INNOCENT ANIMALS AS THE TOOL TO MAKE PROFITS IN THE SURVIVOR SHOW ANY MORE. It is UN-ETHICAL, CRUEL, IMMORAL. DISGUSTING and TASTELESS. Tell them : The act is no different from a criminal act . It teaches cruelty instead of teaching society peace , kindness and mercy for the helpless. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR CBS : Sumner Redstone, Chairman, CEO VIACOM, 1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036 Phone: (212) 258-6000 Fax: (212) 258-6311 Email: CEO Mr Sumner Redstone< info@viacom.com> PLEASE CALL TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH Mr. Mel Karmazin, CEO CBS Television Network, 524 W. 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 Tel: 212-975-6500 Fax: 212-975-5361 Email: lortega@cbs.com His Assistant Lydia Ortega's Email, CBS Viewer Services Television City 7800 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90036 Complaints phone: CBS main number 212-975-4321 Survivor Complaints 212-975-3247 Send complaints to http://www.cbs.com Near the copyright info is a link that says "Feedback." Click To register your outrage. Or write to: CBS Viewer Services Television City 7800 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90036 The producers have said that since it is prime time, they cannot show the entire killing, if they are going to kill animals, at least they should do it in front of the camera so everyone can see, not behind the scenes.