PLEASE STOP AMERICAN INSTITUTE'S PETROLEUM MASSIVE ANIMAL TESTS PROPOSAL. And indeed testing by the entire entire petroleum industry The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the major trade association representing the petroleum industry. It was one of the original organizations responsible for developing the High Production Volume(HPV) testing program in which countless animals would be killed. Since the inception of the HPV program, the API has proposed massive animal tests on two groups of petroleum chemicals. TAKE ACTION: WRITE TO Mr. Red Cavaney, President The American Petroleum Institute 1220 L St., N.W. Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-682-8000 Fax: 202-682-8110 Dear Mr. Cavaney, We are very depressed and frustrated to learn that you were the one of the original organizations responsible for developing the High Production Volume (HPV) testing program in which countless animals would be killed. Since the inception of the HPV program,the API has proposed massive animal tests on two groups of petroleum chemicals. Under the HPV program, chemical manufacturers "volunteer" to evaluate various industrial chemicals. They pledge to review all existing data and use NON-ANIMAL methods to minimize unnecessary tests. However, because of slipshod reviews and apathetic industry scientists, many companies are proposing to repeat senseless, uninformative tests on animals. The experiments proposed by the API are examples of such meaningless tests. The API's latest proposal calls for testing on common substances such as propane and butane. Despite the API's admission that these chemicals are already well-understood and are relatively non-toxic, it plans to retest them on animals. These tests include acute toxicity tests in which rats will be dosed at very high levels, observed for any disease or death,and then killed. However, the toxicity of these compounds is so low in both humans and animals that the USA's Food and Drug Administration has labeled them as safe for appropriate uses in food products, such as propellants in cooking sprays. Furthermore, the American Gas Association, a trade association for American gas utilities,specifically asked the USA's Environmental Protection Agency not to conduct more tests on animals with these chemicals, because "ENOUGH INFORMATION is already readily available regarding their health effects. No useful purpose would be served by performing further tests." Back in April 2000, the API put forth another test plan, calling for exposing animals to substances similar to coal dust, a well-characterized substance for which much human and animal data exist. These tests will not provide any useful information. MANY STUDIES have been performed on coal miners and workers in the petroleum industry. The Benchmarks in medical history have relied on the following NEW NON-ANIMAL BASED methodologies, as will future developments : IN VITRO research or TEST TUBE research on LIVING TISSUE. EPIDEMIOLOGY . BACTERIA, VIRUSES, AND FUNGI reveal basic cell properties. AUTOPSY and CADAVERS . PHYSICAL MODELS . GENETIC RESEARCH . CLINICAL RESEARCH . POST - MARKETING DRUG SURVEILLANCE (PMDS). MATHEMATICAL and COMPUTER MODELING . All this modern technology is largely responsible for the high standard of care received today. SPECIALIZATION also saves countless lives. (see Reference # 1 ) The National Cancer Institute in the United States also undertook a TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR screening program, testing 40,000 plant species on animals for anti-tumor activity. Out of this very expensive research many positive results surfaced in animal models, but not a single anti-tumor drug emerged for humans. As a consequence,the NCI now uses human cancer cells for cytotoxic screening. (please see the important References below # 1--4 ). Many animals have already suffered and died from experiments relating to these chemicals. There is no possible benefit to human health to be gained by subjecting animals to this kind of unscientific and devastating cruel tests on these well-understood chemicals. Please, do not subject animals to these senseless tests on these well-characterized substances. More experiments on animals will not provide any meaningful inormation. It is inhomane, bloody,cruel and wastes resources. We would be very grateful to you for your kindness, compassion,wisdom and help to stop these senseless , cruel animal tests. Yours Faithfully IMPORTANT REFERENCES : 1: http://www.curedisease.com/FAQ.html Americans for Medical Advancement. 2: http://www.curedisease.com Americans for Medical Advancement. 3: http://www.pcrm.org/magazine/GM97Spring/GM97Spring3.html 4: http://www.mrmcmed.org/ Medical Research Modernization Committee.
FAQ Americans for Medical Advancement http://www.curedisease.com http://www.pcrm.org/magazine/ Medical Research Modernization Committee.  What is more important?
Making money or ensuring all our animal species are treated fairly.