1080 on the mountain A letter sent to Evan Rolley
in response to the request by Bass District office to consult with MAEMG re laying of 1080 on the coupe. It was decided at the last meeting of the MAEMG that we would not enter into negotiations with Forestry Tasmania re 1080 or any other matter until the areas of concern as per letter (breaches included) were fully addressed. and we would make it clear that under no circumstances would we support the use of 1080 in the area.
Dear Mr Rolley, After recent telephone communication between Mr. Brent Donaldson (Bass District Office) and Mr Simon Wearne (Mount Arthur) the Mount Arthur Environment Management Group Inc. met to discuss the proposed laying of 1080 poison in Coupe LI 126C and the newly named coupe LI 126D previously known as the variation to the original forest practices plan. As a result of this meeting MAEMG draws to your attention several areas of concern. Firstly, as you would be aware, the establishment of a plantation in coupe LI 126C and harvesting/regeneration of coupe LI 126D has been, and continues to be highly contentious. Several areas of contention have been brought to the attention of appropriate authorities and are currently under investigation following due process. These contentious issues include: the effects of forestry operations on threatened fauna Engaeus orramakunna currently under investigation by the Forest Practices Board Senior zoologists and DPIWE, the effects of plantation establishment on water yield and quality currently under investigation by MAEMG breaches of the Forest Practices Code particularly in relation to classification and management of class 4 streams in LI 126D, changed status of RFA reserve and of the management decision classification zone. It is entirely possible that some, if not all of the above issues will result in legal action. Until these issues have been definitively dealt with by the various appropriate agencies responsible, it would be inappropriate for Forestry Tasmania to continue any work within the area, including plantation maintenance and establishment (including spraying, poisoning with 1080), reforestation of the area above or below Mt Arthur Road known previously as the variation, roading or harvesting, as this may further compound the problems involved. Although MAEMG looks forward to negotiation with Bass District Office regarding future management of the area, this can only occur when due process has been properly completed for each of these issues. As such, it is inappropriate for Mr Donaldson or other Bass District officers to seek consultation with any members of MAEMG at present. Secondly, MAEMG wishes to make it absolutely clear to you (and Bass District Office) that under no circumstances do we condone the use of 1080 in either of the coupes for the following reasons: According to their Report on Mt Arthur burrowing crayfish issues related to the management of coupe LI 126C senior Zoologists Doran, Brereton and Munks recommend much of this area for inclusion in the creation of a new reserve, as well as recommending no further related forestry work undertaken in the area until these issues have been resolved (see page 6, RECOMMENDED ACTIONS). Our scientific advisors Dr Owen Ingles and Assoc. Prof. Brian Finlayson warn that due to the solubility of 1080, the permeability of the soils, the hydrology of the area, the use of 1080 in this part of Launceston's upper catchment is likely to result in contamination of streams and water, the effects of which could severely endanger non-target animals including humans. MAEMG therefore urges you to immediately instruct Bass District office to cease all operations and planning for the Coupes in question until the above issues have been satisfactorily resolved. Yours sincerely
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