Recent Events Great to see so many people planting trees and grasses along the banks of the Kings Meadows Rivulet on Saturday,July 28 as a National Tree Day event. About 100 people turned up early this morning and planted about 1000 trees in 2 hours. The event is co-ordinated nationally by Planet Ark with the assistance of Toyota. In Launceston the planting was done by Scout groups,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,Punch Bowl Landcare,Kings Meadows/Youngtown Landcare,other environmental groups and individuals. Funding for the plants came from Olympic Landcare. Prior to the tree planting,the Kings Meadows Rivulet Litter Prevention Strategy conducted a clean up of the Woolworths and Hotel carpark between 7-30 and 9-00. Once again a large amount of recyclable and non-recyclable material was collected from this location,which since the litter analyses were conducted has had a major upgrade of it's garden beds.Very little waste material was found in the rivulet,but there are some large objects including a truck tyre,a hub cap,plastic bags,plastic bottles and as we were preparing to leave a milky white substance presumably from one of the neighbouring businesses flowed into the stream at the Hobart Road end.
NATIONAL TREE DAY Recent Events The first meeting of the Kings Meadows Rivulet Litter Prevention taskforce was held: FRIDAY,JANUARY 19 2001 LAUNCESTON TOWN HALL as a result of a representation to the development application by Clean Up Launceston. This meeting came about because of commitments made by Gus Green (Olympic Landcare) & Steve Ratcliffe project manager for the applicant that CLEAN UP LAUNCESTON would be fully consulted on litter prevention strategies such as a dense planting of vegetation and mesh fencing where vegetation is not sufficiently dense.
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