A WORLD OF PEACE - WOP is a non-profit organisation to co-ordinate an annual day of music concerts to celebrate world peace in partnership with peace groups,media organisations,music groups and companies,government agencies,businesses and individuals around the world. WOP is a participating organisation in WE THE PEOPLES INITIATIVE a cooperative movement of over 200 peace organisations. WOP partners will organise WOP concerts in their communities to celebrate world peace,focussing on the INTERNATIONAL DAY of PEACE as declared by the UNITED NATIONS for the 3rd Tuesday of September. In 2001 this will be September 18. The first WOP concerts will begin on the Sunday before,September 16 to help kick off the various global activities. It is hoped to have documentaries screened as part of the concerts that should be widely available on broadcast media to increase awareness about peace building,the successes and failures of peacemaking efforts around the world. See the links on this page for more information: MY FRIENDS  Vote for me in World WideTop Sites PEACE NEWS The Dharma peace walk came through Fresno February 10 as part of their tour of California prisons. They took part in an all day forum at CSU Fresno, Joining Forces: Environmental Justice and the Fight Against Prison Expansion. WILPF was one of the sponsors of what turned out to be a very successful effort. Gloria Hernandez took part in the conference. The words of Nichidatsu Fujii, the founder of these peace walkers who said: When a government takes policies that emphasize violence, that is military build-up and war, children will come to approve violence. Violence would be seen in parent and child relations, and home becomes a place in which they try to kill each other". The walk has a website and its linked to the priest who used to hang out with Gandhi and began walking for peace. This walk is just part of the long walk that this "walking for peace tribe" (my word) has been doing for years. Walking for peace. They even have a web site on the origins of the walk. (http://www.indiano.org/pagoda) From the teachings of Cesar Chavez: "We can choose to use our lives for others to bring about a better and more just world for our children. People who make that choice will know hardship and sacrifice. But if you give yourself totally to the non-violence struggle for peace and justice you also find that people give you their hearts and you will never go hungry and never be alone. And in giving of yourself you will discover a whole new life full of meaning and love." WALKING FOR PEACE |