WHAT CLEAN UP LAUNCESTON ENVIRONMENT and RECYCLING SERVICES CAN DO FOR YOU CLEARS aims to work with local communities and community leaders on identifying environmental hotspots. in a 2 stage process The first stage is identification The second is workshopping solutions. HOW CLEARS WORKS After submitting your project from the SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT PAGE - I will contact you to discuss the proposal in greater depth. Together we will work out a strategy which might include hands on fieldwork, political or industry consultation, media campaigns or other assistance. At that meeting we will discuss an appropriate remuneration for CLEARS services. WHO IS CLEARS TERENCE SEYMOUR:OWNER age 45 year I grew up in Launceston after moving here from Melbourne at the age of 3. I am interested in environmental and social issues. For the last decade I have been actively involved with co-ordinating CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAYS. and CLEAN UP THE WORLD events for LAUNCESTON, MEANDER and WEST TAMAR in TASMANIA. I regularly work on other community projects as a volunteer Recently I was rewarded for my commitment to community affairs by being allowed to run with the Olympic Torch in Launceston. I have been developing my Internet and Webmaster skills by developing websites at elaunceston regional portal,where I was on the initial Portal Consultative Committee http://www.elaunceston.com/people/cleanup2000 http://members.theglobe.com/cleanuplton/EARTHCARE and now http://www.hypermart.net http://cleanuplaunceston.tripod.com/terenceseymour/index.html These skills I hope to be able to utilise for your benefit as part of CLEARS.